
Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I had the opportunity to JET over to MELba (the place to be) and meet Kyles famiglia and of course spend time with him :)

THey ARE ALL WONDERFULl! and the BESt Hosts I COUld've EVer had ... [Im not obligaTed to say that at all;) ] Kyle is UTTerly hIlarious -- (even more wHen iM tired ) and an aBsolUTe gentelMAn
I worked a night sHift and then got on the Plane and went straight TO the MElba so its all been a bit HEctic.

Above = Favourite MELBa weekend PHoto ...
loking life


  1. To all,
    This is the utterly hilarious one writing (kyle). Firstly for al those who have met me know that I'm not the comedian that jessica makes me out to be (ask Collette) Secondly Jessica has a few laughs up her sleeve (get her to tell you the cannibal joke) it's great!

    To Jess,
    Thirdly your great!

  2. Aww - how sweet!!! I go away for a week and you have gone to Melbourne!!! Goodness - I'm missing out on all the goss!
