The next morning we left the comfy cool of the backpackers and headed to Brisbane.
On the way we stopped in Gympie for some lunch and to grab a couple of postcards for Boy to send to Nan and Aunty Collette.
I had to translate and write as he dictated to me in french but I think the postcards came out pretty well..
Of course once we got to Aunty M's house boy couldn't resist going Ghetto with the bandana that came with some new purchases (yes, we took a second trip to Harbour Town!)
All in all we had 3 weeks filled with ups and downs - tantrums and tears to laughter and joy.
Horribbly HUGE bugs and spiders-- Mosquitos that bit you even through aero guard and mangoes that were so deliciously huge and juicy they became addictive.
We saw a turtle lay eggs and laughed at a bazillion bogans wearing goodness knows what.
We were busted (while Boy slept in the other room) by an asian housekeeper whilst in a compromising position and laughed for literally hours afterwards.
We ate and we slept and we drove and we drove.
The experience has made us closer as a family and for that I am thankful to NEVER experience driving to cairns and back in three weeks EVER again.
(of the trip, not the wanglings)
Wow! What a trip. Looks like you guys had the best adventure. You are brave travelling that far. Something I've always wanted to do, but never brave enough.