
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Angry Birds in Real Life

Last week in Primary the children knew the song we are learning for this month really well, (stand for the right) so I decided to have a bit of fun this week and play Real Life Angry Birds with them.

My inspiration came from this blog here

I couldn't find any balls the right colour and I wanted pigs that wouldn't roll all over the place so I decided to make cardboard pigs.

I started with flat white cardboard.

(scoring the edges helped for a better result)

I bent them into place.

Glued the sides together with a hot glue gun

Painted the base coat and then once that had dried - painted the eyes and nose on.

I outlined their faces with permanent marker and 
then I made some boxes up for the wood bits in the game and...

Angry Birds Real Life!

Of course you can't have angry birds without a slingshot so we purchased a piece of rubber tubing (usually used for spear fishing guns) and I sewed a pouch on to hold the bird.

This sling shot needs two people (human poles) to hold the sides and someone to pull back the bird.

The children LOVED coming into primary and seeing Angry Birds all set up.
When they toppled a pig over they rushed to see which song we were singing. (written on the back)

Some of them were "action songs" so I made up a Verb Box - another volunteer picked the action we were doing for the song.

Now we always have ideas on what actions to do!

Yay for Real Life Angry Birds...


  1. That's awesome! Best primary music person ever!

  2. Yay. your idea came to life. you're really clever creative and crafty. the primary are so blessed to have a leader like u!!

  3. Please come home and live in Westbury. :) :) Absolutely awesome!!!

  4. LOVE it! You are one awesome music leader!
