Just in case you didn't know - I'M ENGAGED..
Yes thats right - to the most handsome, gorgeous, gallant guy in the whole of St Leonards. (where he lives)
{I couldnt say in the whole of the State or I think Dale might hit me over the head if he reads this blog..}
Anyway -- Here's how it happens..
Tuesday afternoon we head into town to get my ring size and chat to the jewellers about resetting a ring which I had previously picked out. The jeweller says this might take up to THREE WHOLE WEEKS to get done and I am thinking "Oh ME, Oh My" because I am KNOWING that Kyle wants a ring in the proposal .. So i resign to wait ANOTHEr 3 Weeks UNtil I can SNAG my FAVOURITEST PERSON IN St Leonards (again just for Dale)
Wednesday I come home from a messy day at school to find a note on the door which says
"If you love me eternally
(isnt he just the sweetest?)
have a shower put on a nice dress and meet me at City Park
Love Kyle
p.s Im looking good"
NOW I am thinking" what is this all about? I thought we had agreed to do the washing up when I got home from school" .. actually it was more like
" Why hasn't he done the washing up when I asked him to do it some-time today (there's the reason, should've said before I got back from school) I bet he's taking me on a date so he can get out of it"
ANyway - these thoughts all happen in a split second thought moment as they do and I quickly get over it (YES GUYS if you ever want to get out of the washing up there is your answer!)
So i do a little girly "giggle" and jump in the shower then I spend the next 30 minutes trying on various frocks and thinking " I wonder what colour he is wearing " and " Is this too good looking - I dont want him to feel overshadowed;) "
About 5:30 I am ready and go and find my LoVe
City Park - is looking awfully gorgeous since it was such a nice day and I find him at the Chess board.
He dances with me, he woo's me, I swoon .. We re-enact I am sixteen going on seventeen from the sound of music on the bench seats around the Chess board.
I sit down on the seat - he bobs in front of me and looks at me mysteriously.. I let out a flirty "mmm..?"
Kyle " I have an important question to ask"
Jess " You may ask me a very important question"
Kyle "Jessica Mary Gibson (you know he is serious when he says my middle name) Will you Marry me "
and for a second I'm astounded because he pulls out a ring... MY RING?!
Jess "YES!" and we all live happily ever after.
So he had gone and purchased it to SUPRISE ME! WHAt a SUPRISE!! I was truly SUPRISED!
(it was a bit big but i wore it proudly all that night before we took it in to get resized and reset the next day.)
and now it will be done in a WEEk.. such blessings!!