on SATURday:
Saturday I started to feel REALLY itchy on the bottom of my feet and then...
I suddenly found out that too much DAIRY and WHEAT aint good for me -- added to the stress of getting married and I broke out in...
HIVES! yes hives - THEY are ITCHY itchy itchy itchy ITCHY - and they wont go away! its NOW tuesday and theyre HUGE and EVERYWHERE and my eyes are puffy and I look like an alien.
Just when I think theyre going they COME BACK! in different spots! (which is apparently their thing) which means If i put soothing cream on there is no doubt in 30 mins it wont be in the right spots!!
Sob sob, I'm off Dairy for good (which apparently Mum says means chocolate too) and Ive gone to Rye bread - still itchy off to have another bath. YUC
Pray for me!