Just to clear up about the last post on vaccinations. Kyle and I have been talking about our children, not just swine flu. Although I am fully vaccinated and Kyle is mostly vaccinated as far as he can remember.. we have decided not to vaccinate our children.
I was disappointed to see that the government pays half the baby bonus at a childs birth but the other half is not received until after the first vaccination at 8 weeks old.
However, no amount of money could convince me to vaccinate my children.
Our family is very divided on the subject on vaccinations and if you talk to Collette or Mum ( for Vaccinations) you'll probably get a battering - if you talk to Lisa (against vaccinations) you'll hear about her research into pharmaceutical companies and their power over the world bank and money.
Im not left or right, I just think if Heavenly Father gave us bodies that have been fighting diseases since moses on their own .. why bother.
Also on the subject headlines of our household have been other things we put into our bodies which aren't intended to be there.
Such as highly processed supermarket products filled with artificial enhancers, salts and sugars.
As we plan to have a family and raise them to be healthy and strong Im slowly beginning to realise we should all just become recluses living on farms and eating our own produce away from other people.. or at least live like bubble boy.