Since time seems to be FLYING by (24 weeks + 3) -- P.S: If I put pressure on my belly button it pops out, gross!
We thought we should go look at this COT I have been coveting. A little on the pricier side but I LOVE the organic shape - Im not into the BIG corners on the other cots --they look like small cars. mmmm anyway this is the Leander bed and it GROWS! This is the colour we are looking to get it in as well. Tell me what you think.
And this is the last Ultrasound we got at 23 weeks.
So the Ultra sound woman is like cruising around and all of a sudden there is an awkward pause at what is OBVIOUSLY some full frontal action.
(Kyle and I already knew what baby was but it was fun pretending we didn't know and asking again just to make sure.)
Ultrasound lady : ...... (awkward pause) I suspect she was waiting for one of us to say Oh look a little " bla bla " but Kyle and I just stay quiet.
Ultrasound lady: ... (more awkward pause) " ..ah So there is his little boy bits "
hahaha NOT even a trained professional can say " Scrotum/Penis"
Yay.. pretty cute huh! We saw a little penis. he he His first rudey nudey pic. I kinda wish she had taken a photo of that because it would've been cool to have an in the womb rudey shot.