Sunday, November 06, 2011

The never ending story.. (that did eventually end)

This week we made an arc de triomphe for our stake ball.

(the arc in 'make' mode)

 Our kiss under the Eiffel Tower.

 Being arrogant, and VERY french

 The delight after winning a bottle of Mason for BEST dressed! Thankyou.. we blew the competition away...

The Arc in 'made' mode, phew!

My frenchie outfit.

Table decorations designed/collaborated/executed by me, for stake ball centrepieces.

These black board tags will be appearing in the store soon..

Hopefully I will be able to gleen some pictures of the decorations on the night from somewhere.



The Kings said...

Classic! You guys look awesome and the decorations are fantastic!

Collette said...

cool, so clearly the rest of your stake suck! what happened to the little sculptures on the arc? also, that's not french, end.

Nettie's Blog said...

takes me back to our YSA activities at 63 gus looked wonder you took the prize...good job!!{{cause i dont know any french for good job he he}}

Simone Triffitt said...

I love those tags. I was on the mark with your birthday pressie then.