Thursday, March 18, 2010

this is a ZIP


this is a Zip...

Surprisingly I put this Zip in this bit of material...

Who'd of thought! I WAS under the assumption Zips were hard..

maybe its the amazing pattern which explained perfectly how to put the Zip in which gave me the gumption to Zippety Zip Zip.

(see the side bar, Under Favourites go to MADE and follow the links to patterns for a Rollie Pollie beanie baggie) THESE are the easiest to follow patterns, they are so good for beginner sewers who have NO idea even about Zips!

No Jargon, easy to follow pics and instructions.. yay

Picks to come soon of the Rollie Pollie...

1 comment:

Collette said...

ah - sigh of relief...a much less controversial blog post...hmm i'm hungry...