Monday, October 27, 2008


Today I handed in a portfolio for photography -- here are some of the images which went with it.

Collette helped me pick the order last night so you MUST pat her on the back next time you see her because she is SOO unartistic and she actually did a GREAT job @ helping!!

The images have text underneath them which is basically what i wrote down for the 26 days of September up until my birthday, then I took photographs as an interpretation of what I had written.

...25 days to go -- I am a lone wanderer, wading through a sea of musings: Here, I am ...
... 23 days to go -- Here I sit I, sit. No comely comforts. Feel the rough, taste the freedom...
...13 days to go -- breathe, feel and be. Looking for something I cannot grasp ...
The project boundaries were that it had to be a form of self portraiture so i used the LOVeRLy EMily to represent myself (as I am not the person who likes to take pictures of themselves -- i think that often you just look like a dill or like you have a big head if you do this not well)

All the images are black and white (which means processed in the dark room aka many many hours) and about a3 sized.

Let me know what you think: I hope the examiners liked them:D

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ST Giles

Ok. So I got the job at St Giles as well as four other people. Kim, Karen, Katrina and Troy..

Induction today went really well and i was really excited -- felt a tad out of it though since the others had all worked in childcare or disability before and were at least twenty years older than me...

well, i suppose heavenly father definitly has a plan for me at the moment.

I'm starting in respite with the littlies and the home with young adults. VERY exciting stuff.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Also this week I was in the Studio with SImone.. 
HEre are some SAMples -- Let me kNOW what you think:

Hallie + Ollie


LASt WEeKend:

Emily and I had a chance to hang out and do some cool pics.. I wont say much because Emily is gun blog the day on her blog -- but these are a couple of the portraits that i got outa Em (aka the Super MOdel)


I love the way that she puts up with anything -- any situation I put her in she just does it no qualms.. 

ALSO: She is so photogenic -- I love her freckles and the way they speckle across her cheeks and nose and her eyes are such a piercing blue with her blonde hair.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008



So earlier I mentioned that CHaddy and I had sum treats for OUR birthdays..
THIS was Chaddys. HIS birthday is on the 12th of SEP.

WE went to see faKer...

(above is me with the boys.. they are bobbing to make me feel better.. aw)
{we also got some signed albums, a tshirt and some guitar piks!}

THIS is Chaddy with FAker.. n.b: they are the same height as him now ;)
Below: OUR AWESOME spots.. so close.

WELl: As I was ALSO saying earlier I got to go see BIrds Of TOkyO with Chaddy on the 25th for my birthday :D

                       -- We LOVE bIRds oF ToKYo 

This is me with the GUitarist and the SInger (who you might know also sings for KArnivool)
They were REAlly REALLY cool. (SEE those chips? Yeah, we ate chips and chatted with 'em)
THElights were FANTASTIC.. thought id put some of those pics in...
All in all THE BIRTHDAY month celebrations actually WEnt FOR A WHOLE month!!

Monday, October 06, 2008



So as many of you probably know I have been called as Teacher in Primary which means I am teaching (only just-- rather they teach me) the kiddies who are 8 - 9 which turns out is two little tackers. Jay and Kady.(she insists that is how we are spelling her name now)

Well.. they are an absolute JOY and a HUMUNGUScrack up.

Last week for instance we hopped in a time machine and went back to different times ... I dressed up as different prophets and talked about what they did and then we guessed who I was.

Well when it came to Kady's turn to dress up she went inside the time machine (a craftily placed space behind the chalk board which had a picture of a time machine on it)

She comes out with some blue material, bends over with two hands on the floor -- her bum sticking in the air and places the material down her back.

"GUESS??" she says..
Ah.. Clue?? I say..

"I'm in a theme park" 
(Hmm i am thinking a prophet in a theme park???)
"This is really really hard" I say
Kady makes a swoosh noise (turns out to be running water)

She was a water slide.. YEs. A water slide. mmm
She definitely learnt something that week...

tHis weeK...

We were learning how it must've been WAY hard (in my words) for Samuel the Lamanite {Jay gives us the low down:Who prayed and was told to preach and went on the wall but arrows couldnt hit him} and Nephi {Jay gives us another low down:son of Nephi, who was son of Helaman} to preach to the people.. We chatted a bit about signs of the first coming and then signs of the second coming and then we became modern day prophets or missionaries and we tracted each other.

WHEn it was the Jess' (visitor + me) turn to be missionaries we knocked on the class room door.. (WE had dress ups for different characters) Jay opens the door with a shawl on, he is bent over like an old man and is holding a grey led as a walking stick.. his lips are wrapped around his teeth and he speaks in a lippy lisp. "Herro"

So Jessie and I start talking to him about being missionaries and talked a bit about Jesus at which he says (in the lisp)

 " I dope really wanp to palk about cheesuus" - - " I habe to pind my palse peef" 

OH HILARIOUS!! I was in stitches... it was definitly a tough tract with no golden contact;)

Clearly I have total control when we learn that it was "WAY" hard for Samuel to preach about "Cheesuus"

Friday, October 03, 2008

Interview @ St Giles= Near death scary (eek)


Just a little bit about the interview I had on Friday, I applied for a Casual Support Worker on Monday by sending in an application which had been sent out to me the Friday before. (If that makes sense) Then i received a phone call on the Wednesday (after the MOnday I had sent the Application with CV in of course)

Because I have no previous experience in Support Working I was basically fine until we got to the role plays at which point in time I'm sure a little bit of wee came out... but we shall have to wait and see how i went.

NOt expecting anything: Rather just really need a job for the money right now-- arty poverty has suddenly lost its appeal.